Following an amazing 38 seasons, Ian Tracey has decided to retire as Chorusmaster of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir in Summer 2023. This makes Ian the longest-serving Chorusmaster in the history of the Choir. Ian will continue through to the end of the present 2022/23 season and beyond that time will continue to do freelance work for Liverpool Philharmonic.
Liverpool Philharmonic is grateful to Ian for all he has achieved with the Choir, especially in the rebuilding of the Choir following the pandemic which involved many challenges, and the successful recruitment of new Choir members for the coming season.
Each Christmas Ian has conducted the famous carol concerts at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, working with presenters such as the late Richard Baker, Brian Kay and John Suchet. He has also conducted the Choir and Orchestra in other concerts in the Hall and at Liverpool Cathedral, bringing the total number of concerts he has conducted to over 250, in addition to which he has conducted the Choir in their own a cappella concerts.
Born in Liverpool, Ian is also very much part of the musical history of Liverpool and especially Liverpool Cathedral where he has served as Cathedral Organist since 1980, as well as being Organist to the City of Liverpool and St. George’s Hall. His career as organ recitalist has taken him on tour worldwide and, more recently, he has been the consultant for the restoration of the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall organ on which he will play a lunchtime recital on Monday 27 February 2023.
Ian said: “It has been an honour to serve as Chorusmaster of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir for 38 seasons. During my tenure, I’ve worked with seven chief conductors, seen hundreds of singers pass through the Choir membership and undertaken thousands of Choir auditions. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I’m looking forward to working with the Choir for the rest of the season.”
Everyone at Liverpool Philharmonic wishes Ian well for the future in all the other capacities in which he continues and look forward to an exciting season ahead which will culminate with the Choir’s performance of Tippett’s A Child of Our Time on Saturday 24 June 2023.