Vasily Petrenko conductor
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Programme to include some of the most loved film scores from the Spielberg films including:
Jurassic Park
War Horse
Schindler’s List
Indiana Jones
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Jaws, Close Encounters, E.T., Indiana Jones and more..!
From Neverland to the Western Front, from shark-cage to starship, whether you’re adventuring with Indiana Jones or cycling though the air with a little alien who just wants to phone home, you already know the music! John Williams has given us some of the greatest film music of the past five decades – movie themes that have become the soundtracks to all our lives. And they’ll never sound better than this: live in concert with Vasily Petrenko conducting the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. With cinematic visuals and spectacular, specially-devised lighting and digital effects, this should be a blockbuster night out.
Please note this is not a film screening or film with live orchestra concert, but will include specially-created visuals, film clips and images.
9% administrative fee applies for online & telephone orders.
A £2.50 postage fee is applicable on all orders if opting for postal delivery.
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